are finaLEE getting married!
Referring to my post on our selection of wedding colours.

I have been thinking of the theme so much... Royal Blue, Blush Pink, Ivory... and then? It always feels like something is missing... until an idea suddenly popped up in my mind... ROBOTS...
Yes, you didn't read wrong. And, neither am I crazy... I said Robots!

Let me explain why robots...

1. Koon loves gundam. He used to tell me how he would buy the mini gundam figurines when he was younger. (or rather, made his mother buy)
2. After he introduced me to the gundam that he was building, I realised how FUN it was :P and I began to love them too... It became our new indoor past-time. (I <3 RX-78)
3. We even watched a whole gundam anime series. (or 2. or 3.)
4. Watching movies has always been a headache cuz I onli liked romantic comedies and He only wants to watch the Action ones! Even 'The Legend is Born' (the Ip Man movie) made me cringe when they disclocated some joints or when the spear pierces someone or when the gun killed someone. I didn't even like batman cuz the joker's too scary! (I know its an irony when i can look at blood and broken bones real life but I hate these movie scenes.) 

So, no alien, no end of the world, no gore, no  horror, no guns, no bombs, no wars allowed! And poor koon made do with sweet, lovey-dovey & heartwarming shows.. Until I realised that "Eh! I can watch transformers all right!" Since then I even suggested to watch Pacific Rim (my fav!). WIN-WIN.
5. One day we spotted Cubebots at the display of a shop at Clementi Mall and immediately decided that we have to buy them for our new house...
After I told koon about the idea, he reminded me that it could like like a pri sch boy's birthday party... Oh, that's true... So, how should I approach this theme? hmm... Any ideas?
Thinking of designing the signages like this. The bot should be in Royal Blue though. and the words a different font... just a draft...

- gerry

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Koon & Gerry