are finaLEE getting married!
It happened on that same fateful day when koon's wallet bled much at the Wedding Fair..... After giving lots of money to Beautiful Love Wedding, we went for ramen dinner, before doing a little window shopping at Tampines Mall. I had suggested to go to Gold Heart to take a look if they have the Aiko Bands that we liked (refer to this post).

Today koon and I went on a drive trip around Singapore. I'm so fortunate to be able to take AL heehee... (Thank you sister!) So, after mass at IHM, we had a yummy subway lunch and headed towards our first destination (as we have planned with the help of this wonderful wedding show schedule) with 小黑 :D

Seems like choosing a wedding theme/colour is one of the first things we should decide upon before other details may fall into place (: but its so difficult! i have been thinking for 2 weeks now and there are just so many themes and colour combi to choose from!! 

We started to choose a wedding band... its kinda early (cuz there's still 15 mths to the wedding o.o) but i guess it's one of the things with the lowest budget involved (so its not so scary)... its always good to start with the small things (or decisions) before making bigger and more expensive ones... 

Facebook Update


Just managed to update the facebook status from "with a relationship" with Gerry to "Engaged"! hurhurhur. Slightly late but i guess that's ok ba. within 2 min of the post the number of likes reach like 1000. @.@ ok kiddin, but was still pretty fast. we are just shopping for wedding bands liao hopefully can get a nice pair and a good deal! wa nuttin to write liao. lol


Koon & Gerry