are finaLEE getting married!
We started to choose a wedding band... its kinda early (cuz there's still 15 mths to the wedding o.o) but i guess it's one of the things with the lowest budget involved (so its not so scary)... its always good to start with the small things (or decisions) before making bigger and more expensive ones... 
That, and also because we went to goldheart @ AMK Hub to resize my oversized engagement ring (heehee... blingblinggg :D) and also had a $100 voucher that came with the ring, which expires 30 Nov 13!!! So being poor people, we thought that it would be good if we could take this chance to make use of the voucher!!!

(Side track, the lady at Goldheart AMK Hub was very professional and gave me lots of valuable advice on how to pick the right ring size. She was very patient and honest! :) Thank you Joanne!)

The rings we were considering.
- koon liked black (i suppose carbon fibre, or rodium?)
- i like rose gold :)
- hopefully nt too ex! hahaha

With these in mind, i popped by Nex today while waiting for koon to just check out the prices.
- had a design that would be more manly for koon, than the normal bands

- extremely ex! :((( 

- no need to check price, we give up alr!

- has the black and rose gold components we were both looking for

- the lady at the shop say only ION orchard has this collection

- the price turned me off :(

#1 choice currently

- this was suprisingly the only one right we fell in love with (at first sight!) when koon said "eh this one nice", i was like "you think so TOO???!?"

- clean, sleek, simple design <3

- no black or rose gold tt we like initially tho!

- i couldnt find this design amongst the display, so i opened the goldheart page on my tablet and showed the guy at the counter. He copied the code and immediately helped me to do a check.

Both guys offered to:
1. Have the hq send down this ring with koon and my ring sizes.
2. Call me when its there.
3. I said i might not be able to drop by quickly, they said they will keep the ring in the store for me!
4. Gave me valuable tips  n advice on how i can customise the colour etc.

Even though i told them I havent decided to buy it yet, they said its ok, they will still make the arrangement for me. Thank you Iverson, and friend (I didn't get his name).

- theres a promotion for that ring, so its even cheaper now! O.O

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Koon & Gerry